Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Health informatics infrastructure (ANDHII)


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Health Informatics Infrastructure (ANDHII®) enables RDNs to track nutrition care outcomes and advance evidence-based nutrition practice research. ANDHII is a secure online data collection tool accessible from any web or mobile connected device. Using familiar nutrition terminology and a format that makes it easy to integrate into practice workflow, de-identified case data is recorded. The knowledge gained through the collection and analysis of information in ANDHII will add to the evidence base for nutrition practice and help ensure high-quality patient care.

CDR-credentialed practitioners and Academy members, including students, can all register to use ANDHII.

Introduction of ANDHII

An Introduction to ANDHII with creator William Murphy, MS, RDN
Introducing the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Health Informatics Infrastructure, your method for tracking outcomes for the entire dietetics profession, to prove the effectiveness of nutrition therapy [2:42]

Funding of ANDHII

The Academy, Commission on Dietetic Registration, and the Administration for Community Living (ACL) provide financial and material support for the development of ANDHII.

What's next for ANDHII?

Value Based Care Demonstration Use Case
In this demonstration, presented at the HIMSS18 Interoperability Showcase, ANDHII exchanges nutrition care data with a health system electronic medical record using an Application Programming Interface (API) and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) server. [ANDHII demo begins at 11:27]

The Academy Research, International, and Scientific Affairs Team is conducting the CONNECT Study, which will pilot interoperability in ANDHII.

Participating in ANDHII at Your Facility

ANDHII has been designed to work within the regulations and guidance issued by the Office for Civil Rights and Office for Human Research Protections so that the data collected would not be Protected Health Information and the collection process would not constitute Human Subjects Research. As a result, using ANDHII in accordance with regulations and its End User License Agreement for the collection of de-identified data regarding routine care would not require HIPAA Authorizations, Business Associate Agreements, or local Institutional Review. We provide the letter linked below to aid potential participants in discussing how we have accomplished this with their facility's Privacy Officer. Letter to Privacy Officer

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is often recruiting individuals and sites to participate in research studies using ANDHII. Interested in participating? A description of The Academy's current studies can be found here.

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